Monday, October 21, 2019

Moving Forward as a Meta-Dialectician...

I behave contextually as everyone and everything else. But I strive the hardest to find the deepest commonalities in everything.

Under normal circumstances, I am a pleasing, easygoing individual who gets extremely jovial based on comfort level.

But when it comes to intellectual honesty I am rigorous, uncompromising, unforgiving and even ruthless.

If one needs to know my true/real self he/she must ask a deeper right/wrong question. Till that time, be assured that I am contained. Skip this post if it's not your cup of tea.

I don't write hard-hitting truths for a shocker value or use it as a cheap technique, I genuinely write them off with extremely powerful, carefully chosen words so that I could emancipate from the filthy public/political space ASAP. Anyone who tries to build a public profile is limited, dishonest thus untrustworthy and dangerous.

And this might sound boasting or self-promotion, but it's not. I am no follower of any stupid philosophies. I create a new one. I wouldn't even hesitate to tear a new one on any given day. And I am the first of a kind Meta-Dialectician. I am not an arrogant limited mind like Marx etc.

This lengthy write-up that covers many aspects is meant for progressives, public intellectuals (or for the ones who pretend) and for anyone who strives to achieve supreme levels of honesty and emancipation. Read it at your own risk. It might hurt you for good.
Wannabe-normal-minds, right-wingers, liberals, postmodernists, religious and any cults etc - I mean the politically naive/shallow ones and thus inevitably dangerous people - read it at your own risk. It might hurt you for good. Relevant context: PUBLIC (do not readily take these concepts in private space). Political Spectrum: More on the emancipation side (some call it left, but it's not limited to that). 

I also want to connect with everyone - extreme right-wings, conservatives, religious people for example, but that must be done at a much deeper level - I will do. But this post is for the progressive because I hope they have the ability to make-up for this less deep post unlike the former.

Moving forward from ideologies and isms feel like [1] mentioned at the very bottom if not better. I have no interest intervening in public intellectual space these days, the best I could counter are the Marxists/Anarchists etc, they too are extremely limited, their ingenuine approaches, cheap tactics, and pretence prevent them from understanding deeper concepts, hence I opted out of the public space for a while and no definite plans yet, but watching this video [1] ignited some momentum for this write-up.

And I happened to read a so-called 'intellectual' debate in which one states how many years they are reading/reading career, and how many pages those books have, etc.

In what Universe reading improves one's comprehension? Extremely limited minds think that by reading history, by developing a sense of history they could gain comprehension, pathetic.

And not criticizing their 'ideological' leaders/idols/personnel (any disciple/follower/fan/practitioner is basically a SLAVE ) but clearly demarking and approaching others with a critical view. It must have been the other way around. First yours than others'.

I have seen many other intellectually dishonest and shallow posts from many pseudo-intellectuals and leftists etc, couldn't list them all here. Too many, hence I am forced into the public space and compelled to write about the generics again rather than specifics. With specifics, I don't have enough lifetime (given that I could not augment it) to address each of these stupidities. I address the root causes.

To gain any wisdom/comprehension one must think deeply using as MINIMUM data a possible. These limited minds doing the other way around collecting as much data as possible for puny results and drowning in it/lost in it. And boasting how many books they have written/read. Extremely superficial minds. No wonder politically corrupt idiots like Marx, Mao are idols, great thinkers and 'genuine' for these individuals.

For these less evolved minds Reading is a mere addition. They better overcome this drug of Reading. I would only suggest reading at the lowest level. There are much higher levels that require less and less reading but more and more meta-level abstract thinking.

A year and a half ago I superseded dialectical materialism (on which the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Trotkist-etc thoughts are built on) and helped me to step up and deploy new levels of understanding and approaches. There were some repercussions due to the prolonged intensified thinking and that lasted for few months; struggled a lot containing the explosion of thoughts but gradually learned to tame the dragon and it’s coming handy as the days pass by. To my friends who celebrate the achievement of overcoming limited ideologies (such as ‘personal gods’, religious ideas, nationalism, language-bond, and other ‘spiritual’ superstitions, liberalism, capitalism, socialism etc), yes it is important to celebrate but it is more essential to understand there’s much more out there and it's never-ending. For instance, there are so-called new atheists who subscribe to the state religion (ex: Sam Harris) and so forth - do not settle in your comfort/political zone. For example, Marxism is extremely limited, even 21st-century average humans can (actually must) do better.

I have a specific target on Dialectical Materialism (Marxism etc) because that's somewhat worthy to consider compared to other ideologies and have room for the 'practitioners' (meaning slaves) to overcome ASAP to speed-up social emancipation.

To be frank, any action/decision is a limitation put on thinking, do it only when necessitated. I am absolutely sure of a handful of things; the term 'absolute' is one of the heaviest (the heaviest words list includes the word 'heaviest' itself as well) for me, a meta-dialectician. One of those absolute truths is that until one builds her/his own philosophy from scratch - can make use of everything but must come up with an authentic, unique one from the proverbial ground up [ mind you, there will no ground except for plain thinking itself, on a side note, it will be the most beautiful/daunting/exhaustive/holistic experience of knowing yourself] - that person remains a slave to some ideology. I must clarify; I defer tagging any individual a slave because it’s not his/her fault but of the thought framework/philosophy that they have deployed, and they do have multitudes of aspects hence must not restrict based on particularities. There will be an ongoing/evolving interplay between one-possessing-a-philosophy/thought-framework and the philosophy/framework-possessing-him/her in return. But if that person sticks to something with awareness, or even after pointing things out then I am forced to do certain things like calling the person himself/herself a slave (only in regard to that aspect). I criticize the systems more than any individual. We humans (consider gender neutral) are inevitably trapped in the systems that we create, but with proper techniques, this limitation can be overcome.

But this systemic criticism is just the beginning. Once the individual is informed and elevated into a better position then it becomes a different ball game. An individual has an upper hand over a huge system as they can accommodate/synchronize/orchestrate/deploy changes faster. Now the criticism turns (more) towards the individual.

The anarchists and Marxists must stop their stupid superficial fight of 'individual vs system' and both must access deeper commonalities. Both are intertwined. There are individuals who would call them Marxists, Leftists, Progressives, Feminists etc but couldn't even deploy the simplest changes in their activities such as eliminating the gender-biased pronouns. I start off by commenting on the idea/ideology/theory/notion/rule/principle/axiom X and point out that we can do better-considering Y. If the proponent of the X sticks to X no matter what then that itself is a problem. That itself is a conclusive proof that the mentioned person is a mindful moron. Again I must reiterate, I endorse the idea that a person has numerous aspects; a multitude of personalities; cannot be called a 'slave' based on some specifics, but I can't help it at times and compelled to do so; I have patience limit as well. Does this behaviour subscribe to any sort of intellectual superiority/authority? Not at all. In public space I vehemently strive to demolish the intellectual and non-intellectual barrier, the trickle-down of the intellect, retaining and pumping information, data being the metric of the intellect (data and information are basically mere gossips and burdensome), showing only the end results to others concealing the steps and approach, etc. I am no cheap person to sell books. I will NEVER do that. I will share my wisdom for free. Information, data, and knowledge are sold - which is cheap as well. Wisdom cannot be. It must be free for all and must be shared.

I look down on anyone who does this 'knowledge-selling' a business. If one does sell books/knowledge, gather followers/readers/fans (again, pretty terms for a SLAVE with no originality) still want to be progressive/leftist/Marxist etc then it's time for her/him to grow up and utilize (not practice) minimum honesty. Better start with chasing out their mindless herd. I have done several times and will continue to do that. I am no cheap person to gather slaves, I mean the followers/readers/students etc. These approaches inevitably contribute to pseudo-if-not-very-inefficient movements towards the emancipation of humans ( 'humans' for now at least); I deal with more abstract entities called 'perspectives' which could distinguish themselves from nature, I don't bind myself to humans, I represent all thinking entities - this doesn't mean antagonizing nature, limited minds might interpret that way, hold on to your hats. One must take his/her genuineness, self-belief/respect and empathy/love to the extreme in parallel to come up with anything fundamentally new and useful. If I am awestruck by anyone’s thinking ability, let it Ramanujan, Russel, Minkowski, Einstein, Aristotle, Engels, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Chomsky... anyone you name, and if I look up with awe/‘respect’ (honour) that will reflect nothing but my inferior (to be frank SLAVE) mentality. I am no SLAVE. I shut down this nonsense many years ago and now reaped the results. I consider everything and am considerate to everyone in public space, but never ‘respect’ (honour) anything or anyone in PUBLIC space. I strictly adhere to public decorum but definitely not after personal attacks on me or on my loved ones. And I uncompromisingly want that none being a SLAVE.


As a dialectician, I rate debate an uncivilized method of interaction (maybe okay only for its fun value), dislike discourses and mainly promote dialogue which is bi-directional and more democratic. Based on my observation the primary problem is NOT being the PROCESSING power but the DISHONESTY and SLAVE MENTALITY. This intellectual dishonesty and slave mentality of forming an "honour/intellectual/intelligence hierarchy" that I can observe even in Marxist traditions (I must admit that I am highly disappointed, but what better can be expected from individuals who 'follows' some dishonest, un-dialectical theory). They promote one (for example Marx) so that they too could be promoted as they fit into some level in that hierarchy. Cheap, dirty, right-wing politics in left-wing disguise. If anyone is claiming as Marxists, Leftists etc for a long time and haven't come over yet (given that they have sufficient mental faculties to do so) then I am ABSOLUTELY sure they are dirty, cheap and corrupted politicians. They merely fool themselves and others. I wish they emphasize human emancipation over Marx etc views. Take relevant deeper insights (if it has anything for that matter) and move on; correct and improve their mistakes; extend their relevant works. For instance, I find Marxist, Leninist, Maoist theories deeply flawed and not even governing science. Philosophy is NOT science, at least in the contemporary sense. At best what any philosophy can do is govern, guide science and directly and indirectly.

It must encourage science to BREAK OUT of it (the philosophy) ------------------------------> indirectly rendering itself irrelevant/unnecessary/insufficient/invalid. An ever-evolving entity will/must uncompromisingly work towards its own violation. The more a-set-of-principles tend to invalidate it/them the more progressive it/they is/are.

The more it helps its 'disciple/fan/follower/practitioner/proponent/reader' (once again, many cute names for a SLAVE) fully absorb and go beyond the better it is. One metric I would suggest regarding this - if someone X starts to 'follow' A (some emancipation ism) then the quality of A is measured based on how long it took X to supersede A. A must pave way, hasten, always remind X to go beyond itself, not only standing on but even to do a kick-off and abandon for good (if appropriate). The same applies to an individual in the PUBLIC realm. The more they decouple themselves from the public space, make their presence unnecessary, help others to go beyond them are the ONLY good politicians. Building a brand, forcing/building/maintaining oneself in public space will inevitably lead one to perform dirty politics and cheap tactics. That's what most of them if not all of them are doing.

I wouldn't be part of this.

I avoid this problem by intermittently leaving the public space for good. I will never, ever build a brand and build on it. In this regard, I utilize the Negation of Negation. Note that I avoid saying I follow, practice etc but I utilize; it's just a damn tool and me, the bigger entity uses puny tools like Mathematics, Science, Logic, Dialectics, etc. There's no philosophy/technique that's bigger than a living being (I am a living being as I write this). I am no shallow writer like Marx, Engels, Mao etc so read me carefully and as deeply as possible according to your capability. And only read me to go beyond me, that must be anyone's primary motive, if not you are a stupid SLAVE. I am no cheap, dishonest and stupid Marxist overload (including Marx, Lenin, Mao etc) to gather followers. Try and point out my mistakes, I really look forward to those mistakes as well as pointers as I have an unfathomable desire to IMPROVE. But when it comes to a social movement, systemic development, the Scientific process, even as basic as epistemology, life, time etc requires/have accumulating nature. For that assertion of assertion (or affirmation of affirmation ) has to be incorporated.

Dialectical Materialism lacks it. And it hasn't found a way to incorporate that into the human-thinking. Which renders it to be extremely faulty and limited.
Now let's address the tricky and extremely deep problem of finding the primary and secondary when it comes to Negation of Negation and Affirmation of Affirmation. I shall note N-N and A-A respectively from here onward for convenience. I expect (at least) that Diamats (Dialectical Materialists) to have sound awareness regarding dichotomy and hope they wouldn't fall for it. Just like everything else these two are intertwined as well. It's not about picking one and running with it. That's easy. I am interested in the hard problem that is to contextually process and pick the primacy. The technique I use to overcome dichotomy is to reach as deep as possible, make sure no thinking entity could go deeper, and in the deepest point make the decision. Let's start with the context of all contexts. A universal set is impossible for set theory/Mathematics but because philosophy in general and definitely the (New) Meta-Dialectics is much more abstract than Mathematics it's possible to ponder such notion. In this context, for 'common sense' A-A precedes N-N because we need 'something' to negate. But contrary to the intuition neither/either/both are primary. As we cannot hypothetically go deeper there's no rationale and it's an absolutely random pick and in a way it's meaningless. Fast forward to any particular 'normal/practical' context, If it's predominantly a PUBLIC space then two cases 1. From an individual's perspective, N-N becomes primary. 2. From entity/team/wisdom/system/process etc perspective A-A is prioritized. But do not fail to keep in mind that both are intertwined and tangled all the time; to make a conscious, best decision one must go very deep and decouple momentarily and build from there. If you again really think about this then this process itself is a tangled chain of A-A and N-N.
-Storing data/knowledge in day to day life (A-A)
-in a particular instance distinguishing from the rest to make a particular decision (N-N)
-going inward-top-down- traversing to the core (A-A)
-decoupling at the very bottom (N-N)
-building the decision bottom-up (A-A), etc.


If it's PRIVATE space... I must emphasize here, suggestions, comments regarding private space themselves are inappropriate. The boundary of the private space is defined using the relatively objective PUBLIC space. That's because they do overlap at least in one dimension. The technique I use related to Subjective Spaces is indirection. It has limitless applications.
Note added Later: My politics is direct. I don't do sugar coating and pretend to civilized/matured by writing 'gently' (without any deeper sense). These people are shameless pretenders trying to cover as many people. Indirection must only be used in relevant contexts. One is when treating subjective space as by defintion it's subjective hence the boundary must be set with an external auxiliary.
For example, the struggle against work exploitation must be understood in terms of recreational (or whatever makes one happy, full-filled etc) time enhancement. When we redefine and hit the rock bottom we will understand some people or doing some work people do enjoy them and using itself as a recreational activity. Now we are in the best position to formalize theories. If you go by shallow 'worker', 'labour', 'proletariat' definitions/mentality will not progress... Nah, of course, you will progress to proverbial dead end and destruction. One other common blunder Marxists etc make, that I observe too often is that they attack Post-Modernism, Post Truth argument, etc. Most of the arguments are naive. Post-Morderinity is something that we can discuss but postmodernism (as an argument/movement/force) is dumb/adverse. Not going to discuss that here, can do separately at length. The more one attack/argue/go against/thrash subjective entities let alone post-modernism they will find how inefficient and helpless they are; even worse the attacker himself/herself is slowly drawn/dragged into the subjective space. Rather, Marxists (I don't want them to be restricted to that limited Identity for long, but if they are lacking in utilizing some intellectual honesty then I am helpless) better do the other option, stay put in the objective space and define the actual problem which is NOT POSTMODERNISM. It is too broad and I can safely say almost all the Marxists, Anarchists etc I have seen doing wordplay, be very subjective when it comes to personal preferences in PUBILC matters, etc. One could say these are Post Modernist elements and there's no way to refute anything in the subjective hell.

The problem is, in disguise or whatever socio-economic-political awareness and movements are blunted, some postmodernists might do this actively (all are doing passively anyway).

But the important aspect here is, as long the proponent (postmodernist, theologian etc) dwell in the proper context (which is private and no one must know except for them) then there's no issue.
I assert two things here,
2. As a meta dialectician, I am capable (must be capable) of finding context for any claim If a person X says, personal god exists and he (the god - an augmented human; in a patriarchy society average minds image their deity a male and shamelessly use male pronouns) has 17 hands and 23 legs and 3 hearts etc, I would be saying, 'True, ONLY in your imagination, as of now' and could list down the contexts where it's NOT TRUE. As a meta-dialectician my duty in public space (which is burdensome and I hate it - public space is ONLY FOR GLORY seekers, I am not less-evolved to do so, I am only here because of no substitution - I want to proxy my public aspect with a system/writings/machine and run away from this stupid public/political space as soon as possible, otherwise I will inevitably become a cheap politician like the rest, there are NO GOOD POLITICIANS/Individuals among public personalities) is to figure out the context for basically everything and where that holds and not hold. What predominately happening in Marxist (etc) tradition is somewhat shocking to me (of course I know it's limited but comparatively better in some aspects), because I expected a rather dynamic thought framework that could 'effortlessly' configure itself towards meta states - for example conditioning the ‘historic conditioning’ itself, thinking about thinking, etc.

But they used to confine themselves in pretty little bubbles, whatever Marx and the ‘disciples’ (and yet again translates to intellectual slaves) worked out. When I say Dialectical Materialists are dwelling in teeny tiny bubbles then postmodernists, liberals, theologians, all sorts of conservatives, spiritual and religious ones must assume point particles for themselves. I have a few quick suggestions for wannabe-progressive people. We need a collective movement of individuals with clear visions, not a mob with blind intentions to capture the power (the corporate, state, religion, academia, intelligentsia etc). It's dangerous to think and maintain mobs as pawns towards political power. Even accidental success cannot be sustained. No point shouting slogans blindly, one such is 'agitate, educate, organize' - educate what? If you are doing proper education then those who are educated MUST easily surpass/supersede thinking patterns as shallow and superficial as Capitalism etc. Couldn't even do that and trying for a double promotion is fake. You are fooling around people and yourselves. Preparing for the market is comparatively easy, 'educating' freedom/empathy/holistic picture is a hard problem. Capitalism is struggling with the easy-former and one main obstacle is the processing power of the human mind, still not evolved. What's your answer to this issue? The only way to achieve this double promotion/short-cut (in a good-way like bending space for worm-hole connection) is to go via abstract/philosophical/much deeper thinking. This can be done with formalizing and externalizing transferrable and tacit knowledge. Those who claim that they are working for human emancipation the first and the best thing you must do is to formalize your objective/public/formal context THOUGHT FRAMEWORK and put forward for everyone. That must be the primary intent, to make yourself UNNECESSARY in the public context.

In recent days, I have seen posts elaborating 'dedicating life for others/people' (in public context), etc. These subscribe to cheap philosophy and people uttering them are just fooling themselves and/or others. Every single sentence I write I want that to be the last in the public space. Every single minute I spent on public space I feel wasted and want that to be the last. I want to hasten the progress.

Clearly show your intent. Do NOT gather followers, readers or public image. That's cheap and dirty politics. Always present the model and origins to take away. Be not required in public space. This is why I am super-genuine and no thinking entity could go beyond my genuineness and wisdom. Try me.


Because I am super genuine when I challenge anyone I expose all my strengths, tools and techniques. I am no cheap politician to utilize any bag of tricks. And on a side note, Art and Literature are cheap as they just manipulate and trick people, mainly layperson. If you can do better don't be a pleasure writer, Poet, etc. That's just sugar coating and moving things inefficiently. On top of clarity, one can enjoy such art and literature but utilizing art and literature to 'educate' laypeople is a scam.

My approach is direct, I will tell on the face, go and directly access all philosophies come up with yours. NOTHING ELSE. All else is just cheating. I am NO CHEATER.
Some tools that I have developed, developing and utilizing.

1. self-referencing and self-reaction: as I have pointed above, I start with minimal data, given an entity, I tend to generate the biggest possible universe/context only using that entity. We can use abstraction, dissection, self-replica, and all possibilities. Many sub-techniques are there, can discuss at length.

2. Directional: to not get limited to Zero-sum game or circular, mechanical thinking one must understand what direction is at it's best. The genesis of anything is from truly random philosophical motion (matter is intermediary) and the first cause is the most abstract sense of 'LIMITATION' itself.

Being something is a limitation put on omnipotence hence nothing (nothing is again an intermediary phenomenon and that shatters the last hope of theologians who cling on to the shallow question 'how come something comes out of nothing').

The fundamental limitation is the 'DIRECTION'.

For any structure/system/being developed due to this first cause, the absolute random is the utmost complexity. For absolute random, WHICH HAS NO CONSCIOUSNESS/INTELLIGENCE/KNOWLEDGE/EMOTION/PERSPECTIVES/INTENT/IDENTITY etc whatsoever, if we hypothetically create a perspective (doing this means that the thinking entity has begun superseding the randomness) for the absolute randomness then any elementary system is an amazing, utmost complex entity for it, created by pure accident (it will never understand, know, repeat the process again).

If anyone wants work on reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity they must get hold of above 'perspectives'.

3. Extension -> Meta: once got hold of the direction properly in the most abstract sense possible to any thinking entity, then in all possible ways (iterative, cataclysmic, etc) extending it to the most possible extreme to any thinking entity is required. This is spontaneously deploy meta-thinking layers. That's thinking about thinking... it can heave up to any level based on one's ability and mental work-out.

4. Untwine: already discuss this using negation of negation and affirmation of affirmation. That is to know and utilize techniques to untangle/untwist any given two things and find primary at the relevant context.

5. Top-down over Bottom-Up: the data is accumulated bottom-up from history etc. But that's secondary when it comes to intellectual context. Go top-down. Derive/figure-out the BEST/IDEAL/GLOBAL-OPTIMUM. If not possibly elaborate on why in detail (next time once the circumstance/context is changed then might become doable). Pick next best - repeat.

6. Full utilization: fully utilize your mental capacity in finding the limits and operate from there. I accuse Marxists as dishonest because they are. I am absolutely sure because they don't have the energy left in them to reach to the meta-level, that's because they wasting time, space and energy covering their blunders, manipulating others, doing cheap power politics etc in PUBLIC space. The things I have described will be very difficult even with full mental capacity. Those who are not genuine is public space are less likely to comprehend.

7. Meta level Abstractions: Do not hesitate when it comes to meta-level abstraction thinking that might not have any REAL world connections. For example the point ('dot') in Mathematics, which is dimensionless (yes now have Physical models pointing point particles with no spatial extension but the dot is there in Mathematics in Euclid - note that I don't even care whether there was a person called Euclid existed - I am no moron to rely on history - people who like to come up with historical names and people names have the tendency that they too need to be remembered like that. This is a cheap and dangerous mind-set. These people need to grow up). To make something relatively more concrete come up with deeper abstraction. For example to deal with thinking itself make more deeper assumptions and build more abstract entities (example: the philosophical motion - the motion itself which if more fundamental to matter) so that the thinking itself becomes tangible and available for predictable configurations.

8. Supersede more and oppose less: the new paradigm of Meta dialectics is to supersede anything and everything by LOSSLESSLY consuming it/them. It places in the proper incumbent/cradle/context (for some ideologies it will feel like being contained, they must break out of their own limitation). Only need to rope-pulling opposing when other ideal options aren't available for some reason (refer 5 above). Any struggle/war/intolerance etc must be the LEAST preferred option.

9. Combinations: for example 1, 3 and 8 (predominantly, but by and large a mix of everything): - Tolerate intolerance only to the level that is not affecting tolerance - Struggle only to eliminate Struggling
- Compete to eliminate competition (which is in not repeatable, reversible contexts), sublimate
- Research on researching, learn how to learn, think about thinking, etc
- Overcome the limitation of the very process of any specialization utilizing meta (specialization of specializations)
- Overcome the master-slave issue (better your mental image be gender-neutral) by making everyone a leader, not everyone a slave just (the Capitalist, Marxian proud achievement).
- There are infinite examples, do not try to learn from examples rather try from deeper concepts and build models.

10. The orthogonal and diagonal way: there are infinite data. Do not try the straight way, 'the middle-way' as Siddartha perceived but the orthogonal way or the way that seeks new dimension. Use diagonals as well which is useful in finding better abstractions to connect orthogonal (for a superficial outlook those seem to be eternally unrelated).

11. Do not defend any Thesis: one of the major reasons that I am ABSOLUTELY certain about Marx, Lenin, Mao etc are cheap and politically corrupted is that they Defended their thesis instead of working to improve/extend/break it. Their 'self-criticism', 'difference of opinion' etc are mere eye washes as they set the framework and anything will be allowed only within that teeny tiny Dialectical Materialist thought framework. I had a eureka moment last year and even in that euphoric instance, I was thoroughly clear not to defend any new Idea - even the one I have just published. I clearly stated as here I present a new outlook and from the very moment I have externalized it I am working to violate and supersede it as well. And everyone else must do the same. MEANWHILE, ONLY MEANWHILE you UTILIZE the ideas/theory/model/thought-framework/philosophy. Anyone who follows is a SLAVE.

12. Being LOSSLESS: - Let's hypothesize that Meta-dialectics is the Theory of Everything and it cannot have anything outside by definition. And by the very same definition, it violates itself as it lacks the ability/quality to have something outside out it. To solve this trickly problem the Meta-Dialectics uses 7, where the missing values defined as relatively more abstract entities and kept as potential. To simplify, imagine ToE (or the Meta-Dialectics) a grand house/universe/town (whatever you like, do not limit to these options, be creative and come up with your own better version and make it best as well). Then everything would be fit into that. Where does the house/universe/town fit into?

The meta-dialectic way of resolving the issue is to define a moving boundary, which is to reach beyond matter and define EVERYTHING based on the interplay between motion and motion-of-motion (former is completely fungible and the second one is almost fully fungible).

And there arise other concerns such as if this theory cannot have any limitation then that property itself is a limitation. This is resolved by adding relative abstract entities around/on-top-of that house (or whatever). Over time due to the interplay of these abstract entries and the rest -> new further abstract entities would be produced. And that renders the former abstract bit more concrete.

Again there are infinite examples. Replace 'lossless', 'loss' instead of 'limitation' and think about how do they work. Reading doesn't give you any wisdom. Don't remain a fool reading. Think make sure you think deeper every day.

If any dialectical materialist (Marxists, Leninist, Trotskyist, Stalinist etc), postmodernist, some religious person or any ist for that matter tries to 'debate' meta-dialects sooner will realize (if they are genuine enough) that they are being a special kind of stupid. But there's nothing in their theories and techniques that cannot be done using the most abstract bases of Meta-dialectics (motion and motion-of-motion).

13. Do not LIMIT yourself or fooled by the OPTIONS given/shown/presented to you. There's ALWAYS more. For instance, every two things have an intermediary, always. We must get deeper and deeper to decouple. 

I will stop here as I am a bit tired typing. I just wanted to go beyond 10 at this point. 10 is a psychologically fooling number, naive people will fall for it, for example, 10 commandments. 13 is not that popular (not for a good reason). I don't want to run after popularity or use cheap mind tricks.


We must extend our thinking, find true colours, do not stop there, strive for new colours. Never stop improving. Hit 'the' epitome and continue to do so. I reiterate we must encourage everyone to develop and bring new philosophies to the table so at least they could emancipate at the individual level (where we have more control and possibilities). STOP the cheap politics that is to promote some thought framework, philosophy, ism, ideology, religion etc and emphasize “thinking/planning/designing is already been done/hit-saturation or done most part, we disciples/followers/fans/proponents/activists/participants/partisans/mindless morons/slaves/pawns only need to implement those." I am here to make you bored.

I want everyone to consciously monitor their thoughts, work and strive for a qualitatively different one every single time. Knowing 55 million data bits, knowing 44888 million data bits, what's the big deal? What difference would it make? Do not boast with information/reading career/PhD. etc. Pointless metrics in any advanced society.

Strive for directions. Strive for qualities. Strive for new.

Any developed monkey can do Maths, Algorithms, Technology given infinite space and time. My intellect is NOT stimulated by those.

Asy yourself the question of how and where the NEW things come from? What is NEW? How do Mathematics works? etc. Get profound and beyond.

At the same time be LOSSLESS. Don't lose your personal life, work, space and time for finding answers to these questions. Meticulously plan thus you can use your progress in all the context.

'Contextual', 'assess based on historical conditions at that time' is again a VERY LIMITED mentality from the meta-dialectics point of view. Having said thta I will never get bored reiterating this again whenever I hit public space. Most parts below are repeated excerpts. But those are the important ones.

I am bored when I know I could achieve something. Now I am interested in Clay Mathematical institute problems etc which I am 'not so sure' whether I could solve.

Come out of low-level thinking paradigms.

Be a human (consider it gender-neutral), not an evolved monkey (yes, I don't respect monkeys as much as I do humans, the direction is fundamental and deeper than perspectives); be an intellectual. Explore philosophy, directly deal with ideologies and create new ideologies effortlessly. Encourage or even force others to do so.

Give your best to move away from the filthy public space, but in parallel understand its inevitability (solve it by proxying/delegating to systems and processes - not other humans). Be an intellectual for the greater good of everyone and everything.

META DIALECTICAL ABSOLUTE: Being honest in public space is basically measured by the real motivation of going unnecessary. That is one must strive to become unnecessary in the public space, that’s by modelling their thought framework as quick as possible, as precise as possible and let others not be dependent/coupled with you for taking decisions. Building a brand, trying for the centre's attention is basically the traditional right-wing power politics. I see, almost all (seriously!) the so-called progressives using cheap tactics; doing dirty politics saying the end goal is good hence justified (my foot). Extremely cheap agenda. They are just fooling others and/or themselves. NOT ME.

And the slaves who refer Marx as 'Teacher' etc, Lenin as 'Genius' etc, E.Ve.Ra as Periyar, Ambedkar as 'Annal', 'Maamethai', Siddhartha Gautama as 'Buddha' etc are using big terms like human emancipation, social emancipation, and revolution. Fool around as much as you want. Slaves don't even get to personally feel what these terms mean.
Whoever in the PUBLIC space, long enough - this depends on their intellectual prowess- and not giving their best to leave the PUBILC space is doing it inefficiently AND it's ABSOLUTELY cheap right-wing power politics.

I try hardest to be replaced in the PUBLIC space. If anyone/a set could do what I do, deal with/handle meta-level thinking, or I find a way to proxy it with some system, I am happily out.

When the proxy, say, a machine evolves into something that could recognize itself and distinguish from the rest then we all again will work together for new proxies.
On choosing strategies: choose the ones with the least tactics. It will be more efficient and effective that way.

PUBLIC life is wanted only by the poorly evolved mind (in the past when I was much dumber I too liked it). I have many things planned in my personal life. The inevitability of participating in public life forcing me in; this is just a duty and I hate it. As I have mentioned a couple of times above, I will delegate it to processes and systems, as QUICKER possible.

You can sense the sense of haste even in this post. I am not here to stay. Political space is for low-level minds. We must render the need for the fields of economy, politics etc unnecessary. People who build to stay are dangerous. They present themselves as problem solvers at first then turn into a new (sometimes even worse) problem creators over time. So, try to understand and utilize honesty, go beyond the traditional low level, superficial thinking like Dialectical Materialism, so I will be gone for good from this dirty PUBLIC/Political space. Be Super Genuine to gain supper meta intellect and become one who contributes to the emancipation of perspectives/living beings (that could distinguish themselves from the rest). And a light-weight relatable Facebook video I stumbled upon.



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